
Peer-review of dApps, Blockchain and other DLT Technologies

Scientific Credibility of dApps, Blockchain and other DLT Technologies Claims

Blockchain is still a new technology field with several remaining areas of improvements, for example, reducing the energy consumption of consensus algorithms whilst still keeping attack-resistance or increasing the number of transactions per second. Unfortunately, many projects claim that they are solving some aspects without giving enough detail of their solution for peer-review.

Why you should look for peer-reviewed projects?

Peer-review is a proven method to evaluate scientific, academic, or professional work by others working in the same field. It has been used in academia for centuries. Actually, the current technological shortcomings of blockchain and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) are so difficult that they are being researched in academia. Without peer-review, a DLT or cryptocurrency project, which only claims to solve one of these issues, doesn't give any proof that its solution really works. Only peer-review by independent experts, not involved in the commercial aspects of the project, should be considered trustworthy, otherwise it is merely marketing. For example, on one hand, Cardano is a decentralised application (dApp) development platform that has been peer-reviewed. It is one of the reasons that Coinbase is considering listing Cardano. On the other hand, FANTOM, which claims to be a dApp development platform reaching 300 transactions per second, hasn't been peer-reviewed and its claim shouldn't taken seriously until peer-review.

Get your project peer-reviewed and presented at the next ACM Symposium of Applied Computing!

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is one of the most reputed engineering association in the world concerning computers. The ACM has organized the yearly Symposium of Applied Computing (SAC) since 1986. 2019 will be the first year that it has a special track on blockchain, DLT and dApps. That track is organized by Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, who has published more than 100 scientific papers on attack-resistant decentralized trust algorithms. Still teaching at University of Geneva, he is an expert member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) blockchain standardisation working group and the founder of Reputaction, which develops a patent-pending solution for pervasive instant KYC & AML compliant cryptocurrencies transactions including Bitcoin and Ether based on hardware security modules. The other Program Committee (PC) members of that ACM SAC DAPP track are also experts in the field of blockchain and DLT from technology to legal aspects. Submission of industrial experience reports, commercial tools case studies and reports of innovative computing applications with blockchain, DLT and crypto-currencies are possible. Thus, if you would like that your blockchain / crypto project is peer-reviewed for increased credibility and visibility because it will be published in the ACM digital library, check out the following Web page: https://www.cas-blockchain-certification.com/en/acm-sac-dapp-track

ACM SAC 2019 DAPP track

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